Chapter 1: Thinking in Styles

Hello, and welcome back! In today's lesson, we're going to create some style rules for the main content division of our page layout. Along the way, we'll talk about some general strategies for making the most of CSS. We'll start with a term you'll likely come across as you explore resources for Web developers on the Internet: semantic markup.

If you open the layout.htm file and look at the tags you've added, you'll notice things are still fairly clean and uncomplicated in the body section of your page. Under the head, there's just a pair of tags that define the page body. Inside the body are pairs of div tags that define the wrapper, branding, navbar, content, and footer divisions. And there's a sentence of text in each division:

<!-- Wrapper sets the layout width -->
<div id="wrapper">

<div id="branding">
I am in the branding division
</div><!-- End branding -->

<div id="leftcolumn">
I am in the leftcolumn division
</div><!-- End leftcolumn -->

<div id="navbar">
I am in the navbar division
</div><!-- End navbar -->

<div id="content">
I am in the content division
</div><!-- End content -->

<div id="footer">
I am in the footer division
</div><!-- End footer -->

</div><!-- End wrapper -->

Right now, your layout.htm is a good example of what CSS experts refer to as semantic markup. All the tags define what each element is, but not how the content looks. For example, you don't see anything that would affect the style of the elements.

There are no align= attributes or <font> and </font> tags. You have no <br /> tags or   characters trying to push things into position and no <table>, <tr>, or <td> tags.

You just have clearly named divisions, comments, and a little sample text. That's a good thing. That's what semantic markup is about— keeping stylistic matters outside of the tags as much as possible.

Creating semantic markup isn't difficult. It's mainly about breaking the old habit of creating and styling each element in each page, one page at a time. You want to try to stop thinking in those terms and start thinking of designing the general look and feel of the entire Web site.

Many developers and designers work with nonsense text (also called placeholder text) when designing the look and feel of a site. This allows the designer to stay focused on the style of the text rather than on specific content in a site.

Open your layout.htm page for editing. Remove the sentence I am in the content division from between the tags that define the content division.

Copy and paste the following nonsense text into the page to replace the sentence you just deleted. Make sure you put the nonsense text between the <div id="content"> and </div><!--End content --> tags in the page. You'll be creating styles for the content division here; so, you need to put the nonsense text in that content division to check your work as you go.

<h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>

<li>Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit.</li>
<li>Voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur.</li>
<li>Et harum quidem rerum facilis.</li>

<p>Nam libero tempore, qumme soluta nobis est eligendi optio, lumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.</p>

tipTip: The LoremIpsum.txt file in the AdvCSSCourse folder contains similar nonsense text. You can use it to copy and paste nonsense text to any page at any time.

Save the page, and view it in your browser. You might be shocked to see the results. You might assume you did something wrong. Before you jump to conclusions, this is what the page looks like even with the nonsense text properly placed between the <div id="content"> and </div><!-- End content --> tags.

 Nonsense text added to the content division

Nonsense text added to the content division

Surely, this doesn't look right. The new nonsense text isn't supposed to be in the leftcolumn division. So, what's up? The fact is everything is working exactly as it should.

By default, a division is only as tall as it needs to be to contain its content. The leftcolumn division contains only one sentence of text; so, it's quite short. It's just tall enough for the sentence I am in the navbar division to be up next to it. All the rest of the text on the page naturally wraps under that short leftcolumn division.

But this isn't how you want the page to look. So, now the question is, how do you make it look the way you want it to look?

I'll tell you what everyone else does. They set the left margin of the content division equal to the width of the leftcolumn division. That'll prevent text from the main content division from reaching the left side of the page.

Let's mosey on over to Chapter 2 and give it a try.

Chapter 2:
Styling the Content Division

Now that you have some sample text in your layout's main content division, you can start styling that division and its elements. You need to fix the left margin so that the text in the content division doesn't wrap under the leftcolumn division. Since margins are a stylistic (CSS) thing, you'll define the margin in the style sheet (layoutstyles.css), but not the page.

Open your layoutstyles.css file. Take a quick look at the #leftcolumn{} style rule so you can see how wide you've made the leftcolumn. In the code below, you can see that column is 12em wide.


So, that means you want to make the left margin of the content division 12em wide, too. It's easy to forget that if you later change the width of the leftcolumn, you'll also need to change the left margin of the content division. So, you'd be wise to write a little note to yourself in your code as a reminder. Make sure you enclose the reminder in the correct CSS comment characters, like this:

/* Remember, content left margin must match this width */

The reminder is just that—a reminder. You still have to create a style rule to set the left margin of the content division to 12em. So, add a new style rule for the content division. Remember, its selector needs to be #content because the division is named using id="content" in the div tag of the page. You might as well write yourself a little note in that style rule, too, as a reminder that the left margin of the content division always needs to match the width of the leftcolumn division. Here's how you can type up that style rule in your style sheet:

/* Left margin must match leftcolumn width */

Save your style sheet, and refresh the page in your browser. That's more like it!

Content division with 12em left margin

Content division with 12em left margin

Of course, you can style your content division any way you want. If you browse around the Web and look at sites that use this sort of layout, you might notice that many use black text against a white background for their main content division. They do that because virtually all readability studies have shown that people are more inclined to read black text against a white background than any other color combination. It's no coincidence that most print publications—newspapers, books, and magazines—also use black text against a white background.

For the sake of example, let's just see how our current content division looks with the black-on-white color combination. To make it happen, just add two more descriptors to your current #content style rule.

/* Left margin must match leftcolumn width */

Save the style sheet after making your changes. The content division now has the white background color and black text.

Content division with black text against a white background

Content division with black text against a white background

Things are still looking a little strange inside that content division. This isn't a big deal. You just have some more styling to do. Let's start with a base font.

Setting a Base Font

Before you start assigning fonts to individual elements in a site, be aware that the CSS font-family property is an inherited property. That means when you apply it to an element in your page, it applies to that element plus all descendants of that element.

Not all CSS properties are inherited properties that cascade down the document tree. You can tell which ones are when you look them up in the W3C specs. When you look up font-family in the W3C specs, you see yes next to Inherited.

Font-family is an inherited property

Font-family is an inherited property

tipTip: See the Lesson 5 FAQs for creating one-click bookmarks or favorites to W3C specifications for every CSS property and XHTML tag.

Right now, the document tree for our layout.htm page looks like this:

Document tree for layout.htm

Document tree for layout.htm

So, if we set a font for the body element, which is up high in the document tree, that new font should apply to all the text that's currently in the page. Let's try it.

Let's suppose that rather than use the browser default serif text, you want to use a sans-serif font. You always want to create a font wish list, because you never know exactly what fonts are on a user's computer. So, let's specify Arial and Helvetica as our preferred fonts and the generic sans-serif font as a last resort.

You already have a style rule for the body element in your layoutstyles.css file. So, add a font-family descriptor to that style rule now.

body {
 background: #856E5E url(images/fabric01.jpg);
 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

Save your style sheet, and refresh your browser. Now all the text in the page takes on the new font.

New font cascades down the document tree

New font cascades down the document tree

All the text on the page takes on the new font for two reasons:

Let's head over to Chapter 3 now and create some style rules to make the text look better.

Chapter 3:
Styling the Content
Division Elements

You still have more work to do in the content division of your layout. Things are looking a little strange because, like many professional Web developers, you put a universal style rule in your style sheet to block all browser default margins and padding. You'll see that kind of thing often in style sheets. It looks like this:


Blocking all the default margins and padding leaves the responsibility of defining those things to you. You don't want to be random and haphazard about it. You want to be very specific about how you apply some of your styles. This is how you maintain creative control over an entire Web site.

For now, let's focus on styling the content division. The text inside the content division could use a little empty space around it. You can use the CSS padding property to put some extra space around the inside border of the content division. Unlike the margin property, which puts extra empty space outside an element, the padding property puts extra space inside the element.

The padding property is a shorthand property like margin. You can specify padding for four sides individually in top, right, bottom, or left order. Or you can use two units of measure, where the first one applies to the top and bottom, and the second applies to the left and right. Or you can use one unit of measure to define all four edges.

For your working example, put 10 pixels of padding at the top and bottom of the content division and 20 pixels at the left and right sides. You already have a style rule for the content division in layoutstyles.css. So, you want to add a padding:10px 20px; to that #content style rule.

/* Left margin must match leftcolumn width */
padding:10px 20px;

Padding always has the same background color as the element to which you apply it. So, now, we have a little extra white space around text in the content division. If you save the style sheet and refresh the page in the browser, it should look like this.

Extra padding in the content division.

Extra padding in the content division.

Things look a little better, but there's still more you can do. You might give the heading a different font and some color. You could create a style rule that applies to all headings in all divisions. But you don't know how you might use headings in the branding and other divisions. So, you could use a descendant selector to create a style rule that applies only to headings in the content division.

A descendant selector is a style rule that has two or more element names or types, separated by a blank space. For instance, to create a style rule for h1 elements in the content division only, we need a new style rule that looks like this:

#content h1{

You need a # sign in front of content because that refers to this tag: <div id="content">. You don't need a # sign in front of h1 because h1 is an XHTML element expressed with <h1> and </h1> tags.

The order of the names in the selector is important. The h1 must come after #content in the selector. This indicates that inside the division named content, this style applies to all h1 elements. The style rule has no effect on h1 elements outside the division named content.

How you style h1 elements in the content division is entirely up to you. You can use any valid CSS properties you like. Here's an example where I've applied several CSS properties to h1 elements in the content division. I've also put in a little comment above the style rule as a reminder of its purpose. You can add that comment and style rule to the bottom of your layoutstyles.css file now to try it out:

/* Applies to h1 elements in the content division */
#content h1{
  font-family: Charcoal, Impact, sans-serif;

Save your style sheet, and refresh your browser. Here's how the new style rule looks when applied to the h1 element in the content division:

Sample #content h1{} style rule applied

Sample #content h1{} style rule applied

note Right now, we only have one h1 element in the content division. But rest assured that any additional h1 elements you add to the content division would have the same style.

You don't need to stop there. You can create style rules that apply to paragraphs and lists in the content division as well. For instance, that unordered list in the content division still looks goofy. Adding a little extra padding to its left side would indent it more and probably make it look better.

But once again, you don't necessarily want to create a style rule that applies to all unordered lists in all divisions. You just want to style unordered lists in the content division for now. So, your style rule for the unordered lists needs a selector.

#content ul{


Exactly how much left padding you add to unordered lists is up to you. Why don't you try 40 pixels for the padding and see how that looks? Once again, you can put a comment above the style rule as a reminder to its purpose. So, go ahead and add the following comment and style rule to your layoutstyles.css now.

/* Applies to unordered lists in the content division */
#content ul{

Save your style sheet, and refresh your browser. Every item in the unordered list moves in by 40 pixels.

List is indented by 40 pixels

List is indented by 40 pixels

The content division looks a little better now. But don't you think the text might look a little better with some spacing between the lines?

You can use the line-height property to put some extra space between the lines. The em unit of measure is good for specifying line heights, because it scales to the text size. If you want double-spacing, just set the line height to 2em (twice the font size). If you want one-and-a-half spacing, use 1.5em. Let's try 1.5em, but let's not set everything to that line spacing. Let's use it on paragraphs in the content division for starters. Add this style rule to your layoutstyles.css file:

#content p{

Save and refresh to see how it looks. Note the extra space between lines in the paragraphs.

Increased line height in paragraphs

Increased line height in paragraphs

That looks a little better, except the unordered list looks a little out of place with single spacing.

Before we jump in and change it, let's head over to Chapter 4 and consider our options.

Chapter 4:
Applying a Style Rule
to Multiple Elements

As you've seen, CSS is a very flexible language for designing Web sites. In the previous chapter, you learned to use descendant selectors to create style rules that apply to multiple elements in the content division only.

You can also create a style rule that applies to multiple elements. The main trick is to separate each element that the style applies to with a comma. For example, here's a style rule that applies to h1, h2, and h3 elements in the division named content.

/* Styles h1, h2, and h3 style rules in the content division */
#content h1, #content h2, #content h3{
  font-family: Charcoal, Impact, sans-serif;

Putting all those selectors into one style rule saves you from having to create three separate style rules that apply the same style. Also, it ensures that the headings in the content division share those stylistics attributes. If you ever want to change something in all the headings, you need only make the change in that one style rule.

Of course, when you use a single style rule to style multiple elements, you can't put in descriptors that make the elements different from one another. You can only put in descriptors that make them the same.

However, you can still add style rules for the individual elements that do make them different. For example, you could set a size for each type of heading by adding three more style rules under that one, like this:

/* Styles h1, h2, and h3 style rules in the content division */
#content h1, #content h2, #content h3{
  font-family: Charcoal, Impact, sans-serif;

/* Size h1 headings in the content division */
#content h1{

/* Size h2 headings in the content division */
#content h2{
/* Size h3 headings in the content division */
#content h3{

So, now, the headings all share some stylistic attributes, varying only in size.

You can also change the style of any single style. For example, let's say you don't want the h3 headings to be italic. For whatever reason, you want them to have the normal font style. Not a problem. You just have to add one more descriptor to the #content h3 style rule that says those headings should show normal text rather than italics, like this:

/* Size h3 headings in the content division */
#content h3{

Go ahead and replace your current #content h1 style rule and comment with the one above. And then add in the smaller style rules that size each of the heading styles.

You won't see any change in the page because there aren't any h2 or h3 elements in the content division right now. One of the nice things about working with nonsense text is that you can just throw in any element or content into the page to try things out.

Let's move on to Chapter 5 and talk about that some more.

Chapter 5:
It's All About the Site

As I've mentioned many times, one of the big challenges with traditional HTML is the whole act of creating and styling every element and page one at a time. We're not really doing that here. Here we're creating a style sheet that will apply to all the pages in a site. In other words, we're designing a Web site, not a bunch of individual elements.

When you do get around to creating the actual pages, you won't have to style the elements individually at all. Every heading, list, and paragraph you put into every page will obey the styles you set forth in your external style sheet automatically. In other words, you'll still have semantic markup because all the styling will be out in the external style sheet.

You can get a sense of that by opening the layout.htm in an editor and just sticking in some new elements that abide by the new style rules you put in the style sheet. But do keep in mind that those style rules apply only to h2 and h3 elements in the content division. So, to test them out, you have to put the new h2 and h3 elements in the content division of the layout.htm page.

While you're at it, add any other elements you think you might use in your actual site. For example, do you think you might need numbered lists in your site? No problem. Just stick one into layout.htm. Go ahead and put the following tags and text in the content division of layout.htm:

<h2>Heading Two Here</h2>
<h3>Heading Three Here</h3>

<li>I am an ordered list</li>
<li>Yippie yie yo ki-yay</li>
<li>End of ordered list</li>

note Remember to be in the content division and that you should place any new tags between the <div id="content"> and </div><!-- End content --> tags that are already in layout.htm. After all, those tags mark the beginning and end of the content division in the page.

Save your page, and refresh your browser. If necessary, scroll down to where you put in those headings and verify that they obey the new style rules. Here's how things should look in that part of the content division:

Some new elements in layout.htm

Some new elements in layout.htm

So, you can see that the h2 and h3 elements indeed obey the style rule set in the style sheet.

So, why does the ordered list look so wacky? There's a very simple reason for that. We haven't put anything in our style sheet that says how we want those elements to look. But hey, it's never too late to add or change styles. Nothing is set in stone.

You have a couple of choices here. You could create a new style rule for ordered lists in the content division. Or, if you just want them to have the same basic look and feel as unordered lists, you can add a comma and #content ol to the #content ul style rule you already have in layoutstyles.css, as shown below.

/* Applies to all lists in the content division */
#content ul, #content ol{

Notice in the style rule above, I also changed the comment—not for any technical reason, but now the comment accurately describes the true purpose of the style rule. Save your style sheet, and refresh your browser window to see how things are shaping up. Your ordered list is now indented like the unordered list.

Ordered list styled like unordered list

Ordered list styled like unordered list

Now that I look at it, both of those lists could stand to have a little more space above and below them. You can change that by adding some padding to the top and bottom of the ul and ol elements. Keep the 40-pixel left padding. Set the top and bottom padding to 10 pixels, and leave the right padding set to zero. You can do that by changing the padding descriptor in the style rule for ul and ol elements in the content division, like this:

/* Applies to all lists in the content division */
#content ul, #content ol{
  padding:10px 0 10px 40px;

Save your style sheet, and refresh your browser to see how that looks.

More elements and styling in nonsense text

More elements and styling in nonsense text

Of course, there's no reason to stop there. You can just keep styling things to your heart's content until everything looks just the way you like. There's virtually no limit to how you can style things. And you're never stuck with anything you don't like.

Compared to doing things the old traditional HTML way, this really is a whole new way of doing Web design and development. It's even a completely new way of thinking about Web sites. It takes some getting used to. But the rewards are great. In the long run, you'll create much better sites in much less time, and those sites will be much easier to grow, maintain, and modify. That's why the vast majority of Web sites today use CSS external style sheets.


Much of modern Web development centers around the concept of semantic markup, or separating content and structure from presentation. You put all your tags, text, pictures, and such in your Web page (the .htm or .html file), just as in traditional HTML. But for the most part, that's all you put in the page. Try to avoid using stylistic attributes like align= and <font> and </font> tags as much as possible. Do all your styling with CSS.

It also helps to think in terms of designing a Web site, not just individual elements on individual pages. CSS is rich with tools and techniques to design your site anyway you wish. And it's very flexible. You're never stuck with any particular style. You can add or change a style rule in a style sheet at any time.

Remember that the goal isn't for all of us to create exactly the same Web site. The goal is to understand the tools and techniques available so you can design and create your own Web sites. The examples are just that—examples. Feel free to use them, abuse them, tweak them, or reject them according to your own tastes and needs.

In the next lesson, you'll learn techniques for organizing your style sheets and some cool tips and tricks for styling elements.

Supplementary Material

Guide to Semantic Markup
Click this link for a quick, no-nonsense guide to semantic markup.

Semantics, HTML, XHTML, and Structure
Here's another page that provides a good overview of semantic markup and using the right tags in the right places.

Lorem Ipsum
This is Wikipedia's encyclopedic description of the history and purpose of Lorem ipsum text.

CSS Reference
Here's a very brief CSS Properties reference that has an Inherited column that tells whether or not the style is inherited by descendant elements in the document tree.

CSS Properties
Here you'll find another brief CSS Properties reference that tells you which properties are inherited and which aren't.

CSS: Use Descendant Selectors
Click this link for tips on making the most of descendant selectors in your style rules.

Defining and Using Descendant Selectors
This page covers creating and using descendant selectors in Dreamweaver.

Descendant Selectors
More useful information on using descendant selectors in your Web designs.

CSS: Group Selectors and Declarations
This site gives information on using multiple selectors in a style rule.


Q: How can I convert the BookmarksCSS.htm and BookmarksXHTML.html files in the student download folder to bookmarks or favorites in my Web browser?

A: It depends on what Web browser you use for your day-to-day browsing. Internet Explorer calls them favorites, and you use the File > Import and Export commands on the menu bar to import each page. Other browsers call them bookmarks. The commands for importing bookmarks vary from one browser to the next. But you should be able to find out how to import bookmarks just by searching your browser's built-in help feature for import bookmarks.

If you haven't worked much with favorites or bookmarks, let's step through the general procedure:
  1. Open the Web browser into which you want to import bookmarks or favorites.

  2. Use the menu bar to start the process. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Navigate to the folder that contains the BookmarksCSS.htm and BookmarksXHTML.htm files. (AdvCSSCourse is the name of it in the Zip file. Make sure you open the extracted folder, but not the Zip file).

  2. Click the BookmarksCSS (or BookmarksCSS.htm) file.

  3. If you're in a wizard, follow the remaining wizard instructions. Otherwise, just click the Open button in the dialog box.

  4. Repeat the steps, but choose BookmarksXHTML (or BookmarksXHTML.htm) in Step 3.
If necessary, close the Bookmarks Manager window.

The imported bookmarks will be in two folders in your Favorites or Bookmarks list. One is named CSS Properties, the other is XHTML tags, as shown below in Firefox.

New folders in Firefox Bookmarks

New folders in Firefox Bookmarks

Click either folder to see CSS Properties or XHTML tags. For example, in the image below, I clicked the CSS Properties folder in Firefox bookmarks.

Links to CSS properties

Links to CSS properties

Next, click the property or tag you want to look up. Hopefully, you'll arrive at the W3C specification for that specific property or tag. I say hopefully because links and pages change, and bookmarks and favorites don't automatically update themselves. Sometimes, you may have to scroll or dig around a bit to find the actual reference. When you do, you can add it to your bookmarks, replacing what's currently in there.

If you haven't already done so, spend some time learning to organize favorites or bookmarks in your Web browser. The tools and procedures vary from one Web browser to the next. If you search your Web browser's help feature for organize favorites or organize bookmarks, you should be able to find the information you need.

Q: The W3C specs say that background color and other background properties aren't inherited. And yet, my page's background colors and pictures do show in child elements. What's up with that?

A: Technically, the background properties aren't inherited. However, every element you add to a page has a transparent background by default. So whatever's behind the element shows through and makes it appear as though the background properties are inherited.

Q: The W3C specs say that margins and padding aren't inherited properties. And yet, when I put margin:0 and padding:0 in the universal style rule (*{}), they wipe out all the default margins and padding throughout the entire page. How can that be?

A: The universal style rule is unique, because it doesn't represent any specific element on the page. It represents all elements and doesn't use cascading or inheritance to apply the style descriptors you put in it. In a sense, the universal style rule is a way of saying, "Apply this style to all elements, regardless of whether the CSS property is normally inherited or not." That's why most Web developers use the universal style rule to cancel out margins and padding across the board in their sites.

Q: I added a font-size descriptor to my body{} style rule, and it changed the size of everything in my entire layout. Why did this happen?

A: You sized everything using the em unit of measure, which is equal to the default font size. So when you change the default font size in the body{} style rule, you change the size of everything that's size is specified in em units of measure.

The only way to avoid that is to remove the font-size descriptor from the body{} style rule. Then, set font sizes in other, more specific style rules.

Q: Dreamweaver colors all my comments gray, which makes them difficult to see. Can I color them differently to make them easier to see?

A: Yes, you can color code your pages and CSS style sheets any way you wish in Dreamweaver. For example, to make your style sheet comments stand out more in Dreamweaver 8, choose Edit > Preferences from the menu bar. Then, click Code Coloring in the left column. Click CSS in the Document Type list, as shown below, and then click Edit Coloring Scheme.

Dreamweaver Code Coloring options

Dreamweaver Code Coloring options

Now you're in a window titled Edit Color Scheming for CSS. Under Styles For, click CSS Comment. Then, click the Text color box and choose a color. Click OK in each open window to apply your new selection.

Q: I'm not so sure my layout.htm page from the lesson is right anymore. Can I get a copy of the whole thing as it stands at the end of Lesson 5?

A: You bet. Here it is:

<html xmlns="">
  <link href="layoutstyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- Wrapper sets the layout width -->
<div id="wrapper">

<div id="branding">
I am in the branding division
</div><!-- End branding -->

<div id="leftcolumn">
I am in the leftcolumn division
</div><!-- End leftcolumn -->

<div id="navbar">
I am in the navbar division
</div><!-- End navbar -->

<div id="content">
<h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>

<li>Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit.</li>
<li>Voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur.</li>
<li>Et harum quidem rerum facilis.</li>

<p>Nam libero tempore, qumme soluta nobis est eligendi optio, lumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.</p>

<h2>Heading Two Here</h2>
<h3>Heading Three Here</h3>

<li>I am an ordered list</li>
<li>Yippie yie yo ki-yay</li>
<li>End of ordered list</li>
</div><!-- End content -->

<div id="footer">
I am in the footer division
</div><!-- End footer -->

</div><!-- End wrapper -->

Q: I don't know if my layoutstyles.css page is right anymore. Can I get a copy of that?

A: Of course. Here's how layoutstyles.css should look at the end of Lesson 5.

/* layoutstyles.css */

/* Universal style rule */
  /* Block all browser default margins and padding */
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  /* Temporary borders */
  /* border: dashed 1px #f00; */

body {
  background: #856E5E url(images/fabric01.jpg);
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

  width: 40em;
  background-color: #F4DEC8;
  /* Put 20px margin above the wrapper */
  /* Set right and left to auto for centering */
  margin: 20px auto 0 auto;

  /* Remember, content left margin must match this width */

  /* Left margin must match leftcolumn width */
  padding:10px 20px;

/****** Style rules for the content division *****/

/* Applies to paragraphs in the content division */
#content p{

/* Applies to all lists in the content division */
#content ul, #content ol{
  padding:10px 0 10px 40px;


/* Styles h1, h2, and h3 style rules in the content division */
#content h1, #content h2, #content h3{
  font-family: Charcoal, Impact, sans-serif;

/* Size h1 headings in the content division */
#content h1{

/* Size h2 headings in the content division */
#content h2{
/* Size h3 headings in the content division */
#content h3{

Q: How can I add some space between the items in unordered and ordered lists?

A: You can add a style rule that adds some extra margin space to the bottom of list items. But keep in mind that we already added some extra space to the bottom of ul and ol elements in the content division. You might want to take that space out so that it doesn't get added to the extra space you're adding to list items.

For example, change your current style rule for ol and ul elements so that it doesn't add any extra space to the bottom of ol and ul elements. Then, add a new style rule that adds extra space to the bottom of list items, as below.

/* Applies to all lists in the content division */
#content ul, #content ol{
  padding:10px 0 0 40px;

/* Applies to all list items in the content division */
#content li{


Are you ready for a hands-on challenge? It's time to get back to your clientlayout.htm and clientstyles.css pages from the previous assignments and do some creative design work.

Your first challenge is to get some nonsense text into the content division of your clientlayout.htm so you have something to work with. Put in a least one h1 element, a paragraph or two, and an unordered list. You can use the nonsense text and tags from the lesson or from the LoremIpsum.txt file in the downloaded AdvCSSCourse folder. Save the page and view it in a browser. Don't expect it to look perfect right off the bat. You need to do some styling.

To style things, you'll need to do some work in clientstyles.css, not the page itself.

The client layout page has three columns rather than two. So, to ensure that text in the content division doesn't overlap leftcolumn and rightcolumn, you'll need to set the left and right margins of the content division equal to the widths of those two sidebar columns. In the last assignment, you left those each at 10em. So, you need a #content style rule in layoutstyles.css that sets the left and right margins of that division accordingly.

tipTip: Remember, it's a good idea to save the style sheet and refresh the page in the browser every time you make a change. Seeing the effect of every single change immediately helps you learn how things work and nips problems in the bud as soon as they occur.

While you're creating the #content style rule, think about adding some padding inside of it to prevent text in that division from touching the edges of the division. Feel free to specify a background color and text color for the division, as well.

Why don't you try something a little different for the body{} style rule? How about using the font family and centering all text like this:

font-family: Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;

Next, create a style rule for h1, h2, and h3 elements in the content division. Even if there aren't h2 or h3 elements in the page, there's no harm in anticipating that you might use them and creating a style rule in advance. Let's try something like this for the headings in the content division:

font-family: "Apple Chancery", "Brush Script MT", "Monotype Corsiva", cursive;

CSS is a very flexible language. To illustrate that, create a style rule that applies to paragraphs, unordered lists, and ordered lists in the content division. Set their text alignment to left, their line height to 1.25em, and their font size to 0.8em (which is equal to about 10 points), like this:


That still leaves the left edge of any lists in the page that are sticking out. How about adding another style rule that applies only to unordered lists and ordered lists in the content division? Add a padding descriptor to set the top, right, bottom, and left margins to 5, 0, 5, and 30 pixels respectively, like this:

padding: 5px 0px 5px 30px;

That should be enough to get you started. After you've added all the style rules to the style sheet, saved it, and refreshed the page in the browser, your clientlayout.htm page should look something like this:

Clientlayout.htm with new style sheet applied

Clientlayout.htm with new style sheet applied

Do you think you can do all that without peeking? It's a little different from what we did in the lesson. But the same concepts and syntax rules still apply.