Intermediate Dreamweaver CS3: Lesson 05

Chapter 1:

In the last lesson, we finalized our CSS layout. We've got a header with our logo and navigation in place, and we've got a two-column area beneath it for our content and sidebar. What we don't have is the content to go inside it, but we'll get to that. What I want to do in this lesson is take a little sidestep into the world of Dreamweaver templates, since this is the point where you'd want to build one when creating a site.

Templates become a real asset when you have other people working on site content who are not Web designers themselves. A Dreamweaver template allows you to fix the layout of pages so inexperienced folks can't mess them up when they're updating content. No more, "Oops, Boss! I went to update the tip of the week message, and now the links have disappeared!"

And even if you're the sole person building and maintaining a site, learning how to work with templates is still a good idea, because you never know when you'll need to enlist the help of someone else. So now is the right time to learn about them.

In today's lesson, we'll learn just what Dreamweaver templates do, how to build them, and how to apply them to the pages of your site.

See you in Chapter 2!

Chapter 2:
What's a Dreamweaver Template?

In Dreamweaver, a template is just another type of file. These files end with a .dwt file extension, which stands for Dreamweaver Template, logically enough. These .dwt files consist of standard page code, but they also include some Dreamweaver-specific comment tags that delineate template regions. A template region tells Dreamweaver where to allow editing and where to prohibit it. After a template is applied to a page, any part not marked as a specific template region is off limits to anyone editing that page.

clipart Note

Understand that many programs use the word template. So do other disciplines in Web development. A Dreamweaver template only works for and in Dreamweaver.

Another plus that comes with Dreamweaver templates is they are dynamically updatable. Therefore, if you edit the .dwt file, Dreamweaver will carry those changes over to any file the template has been applied to.

Creating a Dreamweaver Template

You can create a template from an existing Web page (the way we'll do it for this site), or you can open a new blank .dwt file and build one from scratch. It doesn't really matter. I chose the first way because of the order of our lessons up to this point. The first thing I want you to do is open your index.html file from the last assignment:

Your index.html page

Your index.html page

Go ahead and select the line that reads, "Content for id "content" Goes Here" and delete it. The other DIVs should then hop into place, as shown here:

DIVs in place

DIVs in place

Now, we're ready to turn this page into a template:

  1. Choose File > Save as Template from the menu.
  2. This is going to be the base template for our site. In other words, it's the template that we'll base all of our pages on. So, in the resulting dialog box, enter Our Base Template in the Description field, and enter base in the Save As field, as shown below.

Save As Template dialog box

Save As Template dialog box

Adding Template Regions

Once you've created a template, you need to add template regions. Otherwise, if you apply the template to a new page, you won't be able to add any content. We're going to add two different types of regions to this template:

Inside the text DIV, each of our pages will begin with a Heading 1 and be followed by body text. So, before we start inserting editable regions, let's place some example of that content in the template first:

  1. Select the line Content for id "text" Goes Here, and type Heading 1 in its place. Then, select what you've just typed, and use the Property Inspector to format it as a Heading 1.
  2. Press ENTER or RETURN to begin a new paragraph, and type This is.
  3. Press ENTER or RETURN again to start a second paragraph, and type Body Text.

Your template should now look like this:

Base template

Base template

What we're going to do is turn the Heading 1 into an editable region. This will ensure that every page based on this template will begin with <h1> and </h1> tags that can't be removed. However, text in between them will be updatable.

  1. With your cursor, select the Heading 1 text and choose Insert > Template Objects > Editable Region from the menu. This opens the New Editable Region dialog box, as shown here:

New Editable Region dialog box

New Editable Region dialog box

  1. Enter Heading 1 in the Name field and click OK.

clipart Note

Never use special characters in the Name field. It prevents Dreamweaver from accurately updating pages based on your template.

You now have a new editable region visible in your template, outlined in aqua blue, with a tab in the upper left displaying the name you gave the region in the previous dialog box:

Editable region

Editable region

If you switch to Code view, you'll see Dreamweaver has placed some comments inside the tags that make up the Heading 1, delineating this zone as an editable region:

<h1><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Heading 1" -->Heading 1<!-- TemplateEndEditable --></h1>

Now, if that aqua blue highlight just doesn't do it for you, you can always change the color (as well as a slew of other visual aids) in your Preferences dialog box. Just choose Edit > Preferences (Win) or Dreamweaver > Preferences (Mac), and go to the Highlighting category, as shown here:

Preferences dialog box

Preferences dialog box

Our next order of business is inserting an editable region beneath the heading, where we can enter our body text. As you just saw, selecting a single element (like our Heading 1) and inserting an editable region places the region between the associated tags. This is why I had you enter two paragraphs. Had we just entered a single paragraph, selected it, and then inserted our next editable region, the body text would be placed inside the paragraph, and we'd have a big mess when we tried to add multiple paragraphs of text.

Let's create our first editable region now:

  1. With your cursor, select both paragraphs of text beneath your Heading 1, and again, choose Insert > Template Objects > Editable Region from the menu. In the resulting dialog box, name this editable region Body Text, and click OK.

The footer and sidebar DIVs will remain fixed, with the same content in them from page to page. Because we're borrowing content from another Web site, we need to give that site credit:

  1. Inside the foot DIV, select the text that reads, Content for id "footer" Goes Here. Replace it with the following sentence: Created for Intermediate Dreamweaver CS3.
  2. Press your ENTER or RETURN key, and type *based on content from "Living Internet" (

Last, we'll make that URL a physical link back to the original site our page content comes from:

  1. Select the text that reads
  2. Copy and paste this URL into the Link field on the Property Inspector.
  3. Beneath the Link field in the Property Inspector, set the Target drop-down menu to _blank to force the link to open in a new browser window.

Now it's time to save our template. Choose File > Save or CTRL + S (Win) / COMMAND + S (Mac). You should see the following warning:



It's telling us something we already know. Our Heading 1 editable region is inside a block tag (the <h1> and </h1> tags). We did this on purpose, for reasons already discussed, so just click OK. Your template should now look like this:

Editable regions

Editable regions

With our editable regions out of the way, it's time to set up that editable tag attribute we talked about earlier.

So, let's move on to Chapter 3 and get to it.

Chapter 3:
Making a Tag
Attribute Editable

As we mentioned in the last chapter, you can let template users modify specific tag attributes in a document while preventing them from editing the rest of the tag or the content created with that tag. For example, in our style sheet, we created three style classes for our anchor tags that affect the display of the navbar links:

These classes are applied to the anchor tags using the class attribute (<a href="#" class=" [classname] ">). So, we want to make that attribute—and nothing else—editable so our link styles can be modified appropriately. We'll go through the links one at a time, selecting the anchor tags themselves and then modifying the template so the class attribute is editable for each one:

  1. In your template's Document window, select the word Home on the navbar.
  2. On the Tag Selector at the bottom of the Document window, click the <a.present> tag to select it.
  3. Select Modify > Templates > Make Attribute Editable from the menu bar. This opens the Edit Tag Attributes dialog box, shown here:

Editable Tag Attributes dialog box

Editable Tag Attributes dialog box

  1. In the Edit Tag Attributes dialog box, select CLASS from the Attribute drop-down menu. Then, select the check box next to Make attribute editable to activate the rest of the fields in the dialog box.
  2. In the Label field, enter Home_link_class. This label corresponds to the specific element and attribute name so template users will know what they're editing later on.
  3. In the Default field, enter none. This will set the class attribute to a value of none while it awaits editing by the template user. The completed dialog box appears below:

    Completed dialog box

    Completed dialog box

We can leave the Type drop-down menu set to Text, since the values none, present, end, and present_end are all text strings. However, you do have a number of possible value types you can set to fit specific circumstances:

We now have five more links to set editable attributes for. Only the last link has the class attribute already defined for it, so we'll have to click the Add button next to the Attribute field in the Edit Tag Attributes dialog box when modifying those other links. Doing so opens a little dialog box (shown below) where we'll type class and then click OK to return the original dialog box and finish our modifications.

Adding an attribute

Adding an attribute

Here are the various values I want you to use:

The Discovery of Hypertext Link:
Label: Hypertext_link_class
Default:> none
The Creation of the Web Link:
Label: Web_link_class
Default: none
Mosaic Link:
Label: Mosaic_link_class
Default: none
Netscape Link:
Label: Netscape_link_class
Default: none
W3C Link:
Label: W3C_link_class
Default: end

My W3C Link Disappeared!

Nope—it's still there! When you create the last modification, a token string replaces the class attribute value for the final link, so Dreamweaver can do a find-and-replace when the template user specifies the actual class value they want to use. Consequently, the link has no real class attribute value in the template. But it will have the .end class by default in any .dwt file you apply the template to. Not pretty in the template Document window, I realize, but it's simply the nature of the beast, I'm afraid.

One last thing to do—save your template file!

Okay, we've created a template and assigned editable regions to it. Then, we made the class attribute editable on all our navbar links. What we haven't done is discuss basic template maintenance.

So, let's move on to Chapter 4 and look at that.

Chapter 4:
Template Editing

Up to this point, I've walked you through very specific template operations. But in doing so, I've left out some template basics. Here are a few examples:

How to Select Editable Regions

Selecting an editable region is pretty straightforward. Click the tab in the upper-left corner. The Property Inspector will change to show you what you've selected, as shown here:

Selecting editable regions

Selecting editable regions

How to Rename an Editable Region

Also fairly simple. Once you have the regions selected, simply enter a new name in the Name field of the Property Inspector:

Renaming an editable region

Renaming an editable region

How to Remove an Editable Region

When you want to remove an editable region from a template, just use the Remove Template Markup command, and then, take either of these steps:

How to Apply a Template

You can apply a template to your documents from either the Assets panel or the menu bar. You can drag the template onto an open Document window, as shown below, or select the template in the Assets panel and then click the Apply button in the panel's lower-right corner.

The Assets panel

The Assets panel

If you choose to use the menu bar, the command is Modify > Templates > Apply Template to Page, and you'll be prompted to select the template you want to use.

Applying a Template to a Pre-existing Page

Say you have a document that contains existing content (such as text and images). If you then apply a template to it, Dreamweaver asks you which editable region you'd like the content placed in, as shown here:

Inconsistent Region Names dialog box

Inconsistent Region Names dialog box

If the document is based on some other template, the dialog box will show a listing of the original editable regions on the left. Then, you can use the Move content to new region drop-down menu to work down the list and figure out to which new region the content should be moved.

How to Edit a Template

Making changes to a template is very simple. Open the template (.dwt file) as you would any other document, and make any changes that are necessary. Then save the template. Next, Dreamweaver will ask you to update any pages that are based on the template. Click the Update button to update each document based on your modified template. When Dreamweaver finishes the updates, it displays a log indicating which files were updated, as shown here:

Update files

Update files

Okay, we've got the maintenance and implementation issues out of the way.

Let's roll on over to Chapter 5 and wrap this lesson up!

Chapter 5:

I hope you found today's lesson valuable. Dreamweaver's templates can be a lifesaver when you need to give others access to a site that's under construction. Let's look back at what we covered.

Over the course of the lesson, we learned how to build a template from an existing page layout, assign editable regions, include editable tag attributes, and apply our templates to new and existing documents. We found out how to select editable regions, modify them, and remove them from our templates. In our examination of Dreamweaver template files (.dwt files), we discovered they contain both normal page code and Dreamweaver-specific comment tags and token strings.

Additionally, we learned that, by using templates, we can limit a page's editable content to specific regions, allowing us to fix areas of the layout so an inexperienced user can make updates without breaking anything. We also learned that Dreamweaver isn't the only program or discipline to use the word template, so we need to be careful and understand that a Dreamweaver template only works with Dreamweaver.

If you have any questions, by all means, visit the Discussion Area and post them. Now that we have our template in place, we can start constructing our site pages—which is what our assignment is all about.

And ever wonder about creating Web content for cell phones, PDAs, and other non-traditional media? It's all in how you style. In Lesson 6, we'll return to our study of CSS and examine device-dependent style sheets.

Supplementary Material

Guidance on When to Use Templates, Library Items, and SSIs
There are several techniques that will help you save a lot of work when developing Web sites, especially when your sites' Web pages reuse the same content over and over again. These techniques allow you to make an update in one place and have that change update many pages.

Site Planning and Publishing: Using Templates
This site provides template support, courtesy of the Dreamweaver Support Center.


Q: Can I use Dreamweaver templates with FrontPage or GoLive?

A: No. Dreamweaver templates only work with Dreamweaver.


Let's create the rest of our site pages and apply our base template to them.

Creating Our Files

The first order of business is to create the new blank files. Using your Files panel, add the following files to your local root folder:

Your Files panel will look something like this when you're done:

Your files

Your files

Applying the Base Template

For the most part, this will be simple, but because our index file and our base template are virtually the same file, we have to take an extra step in applying the template to this page:

  1. Open your index.html file in a Document window.

  2. Apply the base template by either choosing Modify > Templates > Apply Template to Page or by dragging the base template from the Assets panel into the Document window. If you choose to use the menu command, you'll be prompted to select the template you want to use. Just choose base, and then click Select, as shown here:

Select Template dialog box

Select Template dialog box

Because our index.html file is already loaded with content, Dreamweaver wants to know which editable region we want this content placed in. Well, we don't want it placed anywhere. The content currently in index.html and in our template is the same:

  1. Select the content on the left, and then choose Nowhere from the Move content to new region drop-down menu, as seen here:

Inconsistent Region Names dialog box

Inconsistent Region Names dialog box

  1. Click OK to close the dialog box and apply the template.

Setting the Anchor Tag Class Attribute

Now, need to set the class attribute for the Home link's anchor tag, since the index.html page is our home page and we want users to know that's where they are.

  1. Choose Modify > Template Properties from the menu bar.

  2. In the resulting dialog box, select the Home_link_class item on the left, and then, enter the name of the style class you want this link to use in the field at the bottom. In this instance, the class name is present, as shown below:

  3. Template Properties dialog box

    Template Properties dialog box

    clipart Note

    It would be great if we could select from a list of possible attribute values, but Dreamweaver hasn't implemented such a feature yet. It's up to us to know what style class names we can use here. Maybe in CS4?

  4. Now set the links in the template's navigation bar to the appropriate pages:

    Home = index.html

    Discovery of Hypertext = hypertext.html

    The Creation of the Web = the_web.html

    Mosaic = mosaic.html

    Netscape = netscape.html

    W3C = w3c.html

The Rest of the Pages

Now, take care of the other five pages. Simply open them in Document windows, apply the template, and set the corresponding anchor tag class. Each of the links, except the W3C link, will take the present class, just as index.html did. The W3C link, in w3c_web.html , will take the end_present class.

Now, you may be wondering about page content. I thought I'd give you a little taste of what working in a design shop is like. When I first started laying out pages, all my copy was given to me in text files. I simply copied and pasted it into my layouts. We'll do the same thing here.

Below is a link to a Zip file containing six text files, one for each of our pages. In them, you'll find a value for each document title, the opening Heading 1, the body text, along with any links I want you to insert. Simply copy and paste these into their corresponding pages.

To be sure that your copy and paste features are properly set for this exercise, choose Edit > Preferences (Win) / Dreamweaver > Preferences (Mac), and then, select the Copy/Paste category in the Preferences dialog box. Make sure your Edit > Paste preferences are set to Text with structure (paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.), as shown here:

Preferences dialog box

Preferences dialog box

Right-click or CONTROL-click this link to download the