Chapter 1:

Download the code

Glad you're back! We've been moving along well, and by now you should have a pretty good understanding of how to create dynamic pages by querying a MySQL database and host to present database content on your Web page.

Today, we're going to explore how to allow your visitors to post their own data on your Web site. This feature has lots of practical applications such as bulletin-board systems in which visitors can post messages for others to view and respond to and themed content management systems like our Recipe Center.

First, we'll discuss the SQL INSERT statement and how to use it to insert data into our database. Then we'll review how HTML forms can help us retrieve data from our visitors. And finally, we'll put these two things together by using PHP code to take the data our visitors submit on our forms and push it into our database.

Hold on, here we go.

Chapter 2:
Inserting New Data

So far in our Recipe Center application, we control all of the data presented on the dynamic Web page. We used phpMyAdmin to manually enter recipes and news articles into the database. The application uses that data to display information on screen. Now it's time to implement another aspect of dynamic Web pages—allowing visitors to post data.

noteNote: While the thought of visitor postings can strike fear in the heart of any Web administrator, it's really not all that bad as long as you have the proper controls. Later in the course, we'll discuss how to apply controls that ensure only registered users can post data.

The SQL INSERT Statement

As you saw in the last lesson, all interaction with the MySQL database is done via SQL statements. The SQL statement responsible for putting new data records into a table is the INSERT statement. The basic format of an INSERT command is:

INSERT INTO table [(data field list)] VALUES (valuelist)

In the INSERT statement, you must specify the table you're going to insert data into. Optionally, you can provide a subset of the data fields you're going to insert (enclosed in parentheses). If you're inserting values for all of the data fields, you don't need to use this. After the VALUES modifier, you must list the data values to insert in the order the data fields are listed in the data field list (or in the order they appear in the table if you insert values for all of the data fields).

The valuelist literal is a comma separated list of constant data values. String values must be enclosed in either single or double quotes. Here's an example of inserting data into the comments table:

INSERT INTO comments (recipeid, poster, date, comment) VALUES (3, 'rich', '2007-01-01', 'This recipe makes the best cookies ever!')

The INSERT statement example lists the four data fields that the statement provides values for. Remember that when we created the comments table, we specified the commentid data value with the auto increment feature. This means we don't need to supply a value for that data field. MySQL will automatically insert the next available value into that data field when we add the new record.

Sending INSERT Statements to MySQL

After you've formulated the INSERT SQL statement, you'll want to send it to the MySQL server from your PHP code. Remarkably, this process is the same as the process we used to send a query:

Print code


$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "test", "test") or die('Unable to connect to server');

mysql_select_db("recipe", $con) or die('Unable to connect to database');

$query = "INSERT INTO comments (recipeid, poster, date, comment)" .

"VALUES (3, 'rich', '2007-01-01', 'This is a great recipe!');

$result = mysql_query($query);

if ($result)

echo "Comment posted.\n";


echo "Sorry, I couldn't post your comment at this time.\n";


After sending the INSERT statement to the MySQL server, you'll get a response, but not the same one as when you send a SELECT statement. The mysql_query function will set the $result variable to a value of either 0 or 1. If the INSERT statement was successful, the value of $result will be 1. If the INSERT statement was unsuccessful, the value of $result will be 0. You can easily check this using a standard if-then statement, as shown in the code example.

If you really want to get fancy, you can also use the mysql_affected_rows() PHP function. This function returns the number of rows that were the result of an INSERT or DELETE statement. Obviously, for a successful INSERT statement, the returned value should be 1.

User Permissions

When you're creating Web applications, it's easy to overlook the user account permissions your PHP code will use. When we inserted data using the phpMyAdmin tool, we were logged in to the MySQL server as the root user, who has full permissions on all databases.

In a PHP program, the permissions are based on the userid you specify in the mysql_connect() function. That user must have INSERT privileges for the table you're trying to insert data into. There are a couple of different ways to handle this situation in Web applications.

You can create a single MySQL user account that all queries in the PHP application will use to log in to the server. This user account must have the necessary permissions for performing all the database actions used in the application, such as accessing, inserting, and, if necessary, deleting data from the application database.

Alternately, you can create individual MySQL user accounts for each person who will use the application. Then you give each user account permission to perform only the database tasks the individual needs to perform.

If you're implementing a Web application where some users are restricted from updating or deleting database data, you'll need to track each user as he or she uses the system. To do that, you'll have to use each individual user's account in the mysql_connect() function when you connect to the MySQL server. Each user will log in to the MySQL database using his or her own user account.

In our application, we allow users to query the database without logging in to the application. Since this is the case, we created a single user account (called test) that we use to log in to the MySQL server.

Of course this can be dangerous, as now any person using the application has access to insert data into the database. But don't worry: Later in the course we'll learn a method for controlling who uses different features of the application even though we only use one MySQL user account.

That's enough about permissions for now. Meet me in Chapter 3.

Chapter 3:
Capturing User Input

Before you can start pushing data from your application to the MySQL database, you need to get the data from your visitors. The most common method to do this is using HTML forms.

HTML forms provide many methods for allowing visitors to enter information. Once the information is entered, the page containing the form passes that information to another Web page for processing, using the GET or POST methods we discussed in an earlier lesson.

This system requires two Web pages—one to present the HTML form for user input, and another to process the data the user enters. First, let's look at the input form Web page.

HTML Forms

The core of an HTML form is the <form> tag. This tag defines the beginning and the end of the form elements. The form tag includes several attributes that identify the behavior of the form. The following table shows you the three that we'll be using.

Form attributes
Attribute Description
name Specifies a unique name for the form.
method Specifies the HTML method used for passing variables (either "get" or "post").
action Specifies the Web page URL to pass the data to.

Within the form tags you can include normal HTML elements, such as headings and text labels that identify the tags, to present a text form for the visitor to complete. In addition to the text labels, forms have areas for the Web page visitor to enter or select information. These are called controls.

HTML provides various types of controls for various types of data. Most of the standard controls use the input HTML tag:

<input name="variable name" type="input type" value="default value">

HTML provides many different types of controls, as shown in the following table:

HTML control types
Type Description
button A single push button with a label.
check box A square box that can be set or unset.
file An area for selecting a filename. The contents of the file are submitted to the form.
hidden A hidden input field that passes a default value.
image A graphical submit button.
password A text box that hides the text as it is typed.
radio button A group of circles that allow only one circle to be set in the group at any time.
reset A button that, when pushed, resets all of the fields to their default values.
submit A special purpose button. When selected it calls the URL specified in the action.
text A single line text box for entering text.

In addition to input fields, there are a few other types of elements available in the forms area. The one we'll be using is the textarea control. The textarea control provides a multiline text box area where the Web page visitor can enter large quantities of multilined text. We'll be using this feature to create the input areas for the recipe ingredients and directions, as well as the comment area.

The submit control type has a special meaning. It produces a button that, when the visitor clicks it, sends the data contained in all of the other form input fields to the URL specified in the action attribute. Every form should contain a submit control.

The Application Code

Now that you have an idea of what we're going to do, let's take a look at the actual application code used to get data from our Web page visitors. For the Recipe Center application, we have two forms for user input:

To post a new recipe, the visitor will click the Post a new recipe link in the navigation section on the index.php page. (The content of this section of the page is provided by the include file we discussed in an earlier lesson). The link then references the include file, which will display as the main cell content on the index.php page.

The file produces the HTML form for adding a new recipe. In a later lesson, we'll make the form a little fancier, but for now, we'll just keep things simple.

Here's how to create the include file:

  1. Create a text file in the recipe folder under your WAMP5 www folder.
  2. Name the text file, and enter the following code into the file:

    Print code

    <form action=index.php method=post>

    <h2>Enter your new recipe</h2><br>

    Title:<input type="text" size="40" name="title"><br>

    Poster:<input type="text" size="40" name="poster"><br>

    Short Description:<br>

    <textarea rows="5" cols="50" name="shortdesc"></textarea><br>

    <h3>Ingredients (one item per line)</h3>

    <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name="ingredients"></textarea><br>


    <textarea rows="10" cols="50" name="directions"></textarea><br>

    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    <input type="hidden" name="content" value="addrecipe">


  3. Save the new text file.

The file provides input fields for all of the data fields in the recipes table (except for the recipeid data field, which the MySQL server will supply for us using the autoincrement feature).

Notice that there is one additional input field specified. The content input field uses the hidden input field type. This field allows us to pass along the content variable value to the index.php program without visitors seeing the value in the form (tricky).

Since the ingredients and directions fields are large data areas, this form uses the POST method to pass the variable values to the Web page. This allows the visitor to post larger text values for these fields.

Notice that we include a hidden input field to assign the content HTML variable the value of the next include file. The include file will process the form and push the data into the database.

Finally, we must include a submit input field button so visitors can submit new recipe data.

Here's how the form looks when a visitor selects to post a new recipe:

Input form for posting a new recipe

Input form for posting a new recipe

If you remember from Lesson 5, when the application includes the include file to display a recipe, it provides a link for visitors to post a comment. That link points to the include file. This file produces another form for entering a comment related to the recipe that appears on the Web page.

Input form for posting a new comment

Input form for posting a new comment

We'll need to create this include file as well:

Create a text file called in your recipe folder, and enter the following code:

Print code


$recipeid = $_GET['id'];

echo "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"post\">\n";

echo "<h2>Enter your comment</h2>";

echo "<textarea rows=\"10\" cols=\"50\" name=\"comment\"></textarea><br>\n";

echo "Submitted by:<input type=\"text\" name=\"poster\"><br>\n";

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"recipeid\" value=\"$recipeid\">\n";

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"content\" value=\"addcomment\">\n";

echo "<br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">\n";

echo "</form>\n";


The include file is somewhat different from the file we used. When a visitor posts a comment for a specific recipe, we must pass along the value of the recipeid variable that identifies the recipe the comment pertains to.

To do that, we need to use some PHP code. Because of this, we need to use PHP to create the HTML form itself. You'll notice that the first line in the program uses the $_GET [] PHP function to retrieve the id HTML value passed by the link that calls the program. This HTML value must contain the recipeid value of the recipe displayed by the file. To refresh your memory, here's how that link is created in the file:

echo "<a href=\"index.php?content=newcomment&id=$recipeid\">Add a comment</a>\n";

The recipeid value also needs to be passed along to the include file that processes the form. Again, we can use a hidden input field to pass this value to the next include file, which is also specified as a hidden input field value.

After creating the forms necessary to gather our input data, we need to write the PHP programs to send the data to the MySQL server.

That's what we'll be doing in Chapter 4.

Chapter 4:
Processing User Input

Where we left off in our story, our friendly Web page visitor had just clicked the Submit button on one of our HTML forms. Now we have to get to work and process the form data.

Let's first take a look at the PHP code required to post a new recipe:

  1. Create a new text file called in your recipe folder.
  2. Enter this code to the file:

    Print code


    $title = $_POST['title'];

    $poster = $_POST['poster'];

    $shortdesc = $_POST['shortdesc'];

    $ingredients = htmlspecialchars($_POST['ingredients']);

    $directions = htmlspecialchars($_POST['directions']);

    if (trim($poster == ''))


    echo "<h2>Sorry, each recipe must have a poster</h2>\n";



    $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "test", "test") or die('Could not connect to server');

    mysql_select_db("recipe", $con) or die('Could not connect to database');

    $query = "INSERT INTO recipes (title, shortdesc, poster, ingredients, directions) " .

    " VALUES ('$title', '$shortdesc', '$poster', '$ingredients', '$directions')";

    $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Sorry, we could not post your recipe to the database at this time');

    if ($result)

    echo "<h2>Recipe posted</h2>\n";


    echo "<h2>Sorry, there was a problem posting your recipe</h2>\n";



Let's look at this code and see what's happening. First we retrieve all of the HTML variables from the form Web page. Since the form tag in the file uses the POST method, we need to use the $_POST [] PHP function to assign the values from each HTML variable to the PHP variables.

Notice that we're doing something a little different with the ingredients and directions data values:

$ingredients = htmlspecialchars($_POST['ingredients']);
$directions = htmlspecialchars($_POST['directions']);

Because these two variables are long text fields, the Web page visitor can place any type of data in them. We need to take a special precaution about that.

The htmlspecialchars() function converts HTML code characters into text values that the Web browser will display but not interpret as HTML code. This prevents visitors from entering HTML code within the text areas. This is most often abused by people trying to insert HTML links to their own Web sites within comment areas on Web pages.

noteNote: There's one additional oddity that you may have to deal with when working with text strings—quotes. Before we can insert a text string into the MySQL database we need to ensure that we escape (precede with a backslash) all single or double quotes in the string so as not to confuse the MySQL SQL command (which uses quotes itself).

Fortunately, PHP provides a method to automatically do this for us. The PHP processor in Apache uses the magic_quotes_gpc feature to automatically add backslashes to all quotes used in strings received from HTML forms. The WAMP5 server enables this feature by default, but not all LAMP or WAMP servers do that.

If your LAMP or WAMP server doesn't use this feature, you'll have to add the backslashes yourself, using the PHP addslashes() function. If you're unsure if your server supports this feature, you can easily test for it in your PHP code, and add the backslashes if necessary:

if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc())
   $ingredients = addslashes($ingredients);
   $directions = addslashes($directions);

After assigning the HTML variables to PHP variables, the next step is to check whether the poster placed a name in the Poster input field. The trim() PHP function removes any leading or trailing spaces from a string value. If the string is empty, this leaves nothing in the string. There is also an ltrim() function, which only removes leading spaces, and an rtrim() function, which only removes trailing spaces.

After the trim() function removes the leading and trailing spaces, an if-then statement is used to check whether there's anything left over in the string. If the string is empty, that means the visitor didn't enter any data into the input field. The program then displays a message indicating that the visitor must enter a data value in the Poster field.

You should recognize the rest of the code in the program. It's just the standard code to connect to the MySQL server, select the recipe database, then build and send the INSERT SQL statement to the server. Remember that since we set the recipeid data field to auto-increment, we don't need to provide a value for that data field in the INSERT statement.

At the end, the program checks the $result value to determine if the INSERT command was successful. The Web page displays a message to the visitor indicating whether the posting was successful or not.

Next, let's look at the PHP code for adding a new comment:

  1. Create another text file in the recipe folder called
  2. Enter the following code in that file:

    Print code


    $recipeid = $_POST['recipeid'];

    $poster = $_POST['poster'];

    $comment = htmlspecialchars($_POST['comment']);

    $date = date("Y-m-d");

    $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "test", "test") or die('Could not connect to server');

    mysql_select_db("recipe", $con) or die('Could not connect to database');

    $query = "INSERT INTO comments (recipeid, poster, date, comment) " .

    " VALUES ($recipeid, '$poster', '$date', '$comment')";

    $result = mysql_query($query);

    if ($result)

    echo "<h2>Comment posted</h2>\n";


    echo "<h2>Sorry, there was a problem posting your comment</h2>\n";

    echo "<a href=\"index.php?content=showrecipe&id=$recipeid\">Return to recipe</a>\n";


Just like the program, this one starts by retrieving the form data using the $_POST [] function (and checks the comment field for HTML code).

You may notice that instead of making the comment poster provide the date on which he or she submits the comment, the code uses the PHP date() function to obtain the current date and time from the system. The format of the date function is:


Here, textformat defines how the function displays the date. The date() function uses symbols to represent the day, month, year, hour, minute, and second values. The format used in the code ("Y-m-d") matches the format that the MySQL date data type uses:

If you don't use this format (including the dashes between the codes), MySQL won't recognize the value as a date and will reject the INSERT attempt.

After building the INSERT statement, the code sends it off to the MySQL server and then displays the results for the visitor.

Okay, I think that's plenty for today. Let's go to Chapter 5 and finish up.

Chapter 5:

Today, we discussed how to allow visitors to post data into the content management system database. This enables them to interact with the application while still allowing you to control the data organization of the Web pages.

First we discussed the SQL INSERT statement and found out how to use it to add new data records to an existing database table. Next, we saw how PHP sends INSERT SQL statements to the MySQL server using the same mysql_query() function that we used to send SELECT statements. The result of the INSERT statement is then checked to determine whether it was successful.

We then looked at how to use standard HTML forms to allow visitors to enter data into the application. We built forms that give visitors the ability to post new recipes and comment on existing ones. We then built the PHP code necessary to extract the data from the HTML forms, create the INSERT SQL statement, and pass the data on to the MySQL server.

In our next lesson, we'll dig a little deeper into the SELECT statement. No good content management system is complete if it doesn't allow visitors to search through the content. So we'll see how to use the wildcard features of the SELECT statement to easily format SQL queries to search for content and then display the search results for visitors to choose from.

Supplementary Material

W3C Recommendation—Forms
This is the official manual describing the different types of controls available in HTML forms and how to use them.


Q: What can I do if I accidentally post a bad data record?

A: You can use the phpMyAdmin tool to browse through the data records for a table. In the browser, you can edit individual data fields to make corrections or even delete an entire data record.

Q: Using the DELETE SQL statement, can you create PHP code that will remove data records for you?

A: Yes, you can, but be extremely careful. The DELETE SQL statement deletes all records that match the WHERE clause. A common database programming mistake is to forget the WHERE clause in the DELETE statement, which then deletes all of the records!


The key to inserting new data into your database is knowing how to write good INSERT statements. So, for today's assignment, use the phpMyAdmin tool to create SQL statements to manually insert data records into the news and recipes tables. Remember that the news table doesn't use the autoincrement feature to create a unique news article id.

While the official Recipe Center application doesn't provide this feature, if you feel adventurous, you can create another link in your navigation include file ( to allow visitors to post news articles. You'll need to make an HTML form so they can enter them. You'll also need to create another PHP include file to add the form data to the database.