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Encyclopædia Britannica

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BrainyQuote is the world's largest quotation site. We educate and entertain audiences of all ages with family-friendly quotations from history's most prominent figures through to today's newsmakers - famous celebrities, athletes, politicians, authors, and everything in between. We are passionate about quotes, and on a mission to share our knowledge with the world.

Originally published in 2001, BrainyQuote is one of the oldest and most established quotation sites on the web. Our site was built from scratch into the behemoth it is today. In the beginning, we used library books to enter famous quotations by hand. Armed with eyedrops and comfy wrist-rests at our computers, we typed, and typed, and typed! Today, you can enjoy the fruits of our labors; we are a shining example of the little engine that could.

IMDb (Internet Movie Database)

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Have a question about literature? Why not ask it in our Literature Forums. Thousands of members are waiting to talk to you!

Spartacus Educational

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The H.G. Wells Society

The H.G. Wells Society was founded in 1960. It has an international membership, and aims to promote a widespread interest in the life, work and thought of Herbert George Wells (see "Statement of Objects"). It publishes an annual journal, The Wellsian, and issues a biannual newsletter. It has published a comprehensive bibliography of Wells's published works, and other publications, including a number of works by Wells which have been out of print for many years.

science.discovery/Prophets of Science Fiction

What once was just imagination is now real; what was once the distant future is now around the corner. The "Science Fiction" of the past has now simply become "Science". And the science of the future was strangely prophesied by a group of visionaries whose dreams once may have deemed them renegades and "mad scientists," have become reality!

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