Layout Design - Brochure layout

Award winning brochure, "Oshkosh AirVenture"

Link to enlarged image of: Award winning brochure, "Oshkosh AirVenture"
Oshkosh AirVenture

Oshkosh AirVenture is an annual airshow in Oshkosh, WI featured in this conceptual and imaginative brochure.

This brochure has an interesting accordian fold and die cut and was created using the desktop publishing software Quark Expess and Adobe Photoshop using a variety of personal photographs, and copyrighted materials for learning purposes.

This project has won a gutenburg,
PIM, and Addy graphic awards.

Business brochure, "Camp Wannabbe"

Link to enlarged image of: Business brochure, "Camp Wannabbe"
Camp Wannabbe

Camp Wannabbe is a fun informative brochure for an imaginary summer resort business.

This project was created using Quark Expess and a variety of interesting clipart and personal drawings for a fun learning experience.

I am sure you will agree after you browse through this interesting brochure you will really want to be at, "Camp Wannabbe".

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